Thursday, April 5, 2012

And we're back! Mind the bold.

What I Did Yesterday:


Woke up!  Read the OnePursuit for the week- talkin about confidence we can live in that the world has been redeemed by Christ on the cross.  Take that death!  Everyone chime in with the Discovery Channel theme song

Breakfast, deodorant, brushed my hair and FLOSSED 

Packed my gear & vamanosed to band practice.

Met Joanna, who will be singing with us Easter morning, hugged numerous times- learned two new songs- challenged on my bass fills.  Take that Bb scale!

Hooked a ride with Katy Suppes, long lost office friend from those Park Staff days of old...all the way to Chicago Ave.  Took the sunshiniest walk to the Brown Line possible & rocked out to some easy listenings in the ways of Noah & the Whale.  Bested by the wind on the platform on cue with the train- Marilyn Monroed.

Brown Line train to Washington & Wells, attempted to blend into the important people on my way to the dentist.  Still delighted by the sky scrapers.  Gave a quick shout out to a new friend in hopes of evening rockage.

Dentist chair, and some playful banter amongst the technician, the dentist, and myself.  Life is better when everyone is laughing.  Energy is contagious.  Very proudly, in my best "five year old refrigerator artist" exclaimed I've been flossing twice a day for two weeks.  Take that bad habits!

Called the Pops & let him know the excellent details of no root canal (Praise God) & discussed the gosslings he was on his way to help defend from a group of crows he had been monitoring earlier that week.  Ah family.

33 Roosevelt for some Andy's Custard & fine smelling womanly things (perfume solid!)-attempts at part time job but with present unsurity *lemme have this English, of future schedule ... these attempts are just turning into really great conversations with possible potential coworkers.

Red line train to Lawrence because by this time I was superdeeduper tired & the Novocaine was a goner.

CVS for some ice cream, like a boss & jokes with the cashier lady.

Fatal attempt at laundry sorting, massive headache- ice cream & Demetri Martin, no, how about that Supernatural series from 05.

Bed by 9pm.  Take that fatigue!

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