Saturday, March 15, 2014

To Live Life as a Catalyst

To Live Life as a catalyst
it's a stepping into of reality that's an at - a- last
gaining moment with every selfish decision pushed passed
dedicated to driving home with love - pure

but don't you blink for a second recognition
else wind up putting out your own ignition
stalling out on the borderline of regret and indecision

no drama mama drive
no drama mama drive

the rearview mirror doesn't give you sight
it's not supposed to show you how to drive right
just remind you what was the worth the fight
and an extra light to remind you what's been done
eyes on the road
metaphysical the lyrical dropped solemnly in your gatorade
while you pump metal and team up for small shallow charades
silent game of cards
unspoken game of musical chairs
only masks worn there
only masks worn there
live life as a catalyst
the moment is hard to resist
iron sharpens iron and so do your fists
but one is made of flesh the other grinds your bones

to the powder your flesh is breathed from
and you chalk up your existence with each beating drum
like the drum master's on your payroll
when the drum master's just your ego and you're bleeding red from all the seams
asking questions
what does this mean
what does this mean
demanding answers for questions your own answers asked

while your bloodstream still brims with new life
if you would only sit up and drive right
keep the ignition burning bright
evoking a positive spark
wherever you go

drive mama drive
drama makes you slow